Sunday, December 26, 2010

Korean Choir.

Wow.  I am sure behind a the blogging!  Our new friend, Mr. Lee, invited us to see his choir perform at the beginning of December and I'm just now sharing.  Shame.  I was having the hardest time chosing between all the videos I took, but uploading multiple videos to one post was too frustrating so I chose my favorite.  Ever heard ABBA in Korean?  So worth it.

Mamma Mia!

They are really pretty amazing.  Wish I had the patience to upload some of their more serious numbers.  Very talented.  I look forward to their next performance in the spring.  Mr. Lee also invited us to the symphony in Suwon last week, which was just amazing.  I hope we get the chance to see many more performances while we're here.


Kelli said...

I love Korean ABBA.