Monday, January 19, 2009


Ben had yesterday afternoon off, so we headed up to Philadelphia. It only takes about an hour and a half to drive there. Amazing! So we did all the major touristy things first:

Independence Hall

It was just incredible to see where the continental congress met.

It is such a beautiful building!

Next we saw the actual Liberty Bell. I've always wanted to see it. It was much smaller than I imagined, but so amazing to see it up close!

Last, we found a place called Blarney South. We each got a Philly Cheesesteak, of course! So tasty!

Walking back to our car, we saw Independence Hall at night. It was amazing!

I seriously can't believe how lucky we are to be able to visit all of these wonderful and historic places! I never dreamed I'd have a 4-month oportunity to see four major East Coast cities (Philly, NYC, DC, and Baltimore, in case you're wondering) as many times as we can. And they're all within 3 hours of Dover! Wow. Ben is off again tomorrow, so I think we're going to head to New York City! Amazing!


Amber said...

holy crap! You've been going everywhere. I'm jealous. I love the East Coast!