Thursday, November 13, 2008

Going home...

So I'm heading home to NC on Friday. Ben's little bro, James Allen, came out to watch our house and the Lillie-dog while we've been gone. Unfortunately, he had to head home to Utah a little early, so I'm going back to take care of things until Ben comes home Dec 11th. We've really appreciated James Allen's help, allowing me to spend the last 6 weeks with Ben in Mississippi. But I am kind of looking forward to getting back home. It's been really boring in MS. And I miss our house and the Lillie-dog! So here we are, being silly while I've been packing. :)

Will I fit in a suitcase?

Pretty much, yeah. Ha ha!

I made Ben a snowflake sticker and he stuck it on his head.


kelsey said...

I can't believe you can get in that suitcase. My body would not allow me to bend like that.

The Pitcher Family said...

I have to say it, so I apologize ahead. You are a dork!
Love ya!

Tricia said...

Megan, I'm wondering if you have just a little too much time on your hands! :) Then again, maybe I'm just jealous that I cannot fit in a suitcase (anymore). I'm glad you're back! Your hubby will be here on my birthday! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.