Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Myrtle Beach!

Last Saturday we went to Myrtle Beach for the day. It was overcast, but warm. It was so much fun, just walking the beach and playing the the water. We also went to dinner at a buffet called The Giant Crab. Tommy the Crab graces the entrance and is definitely the biggest crab I've ever seen.

Lillie LOVED playing in the warm waves! She went wild!

Myrtle Beach is only about 2 hours from home, so I'm thinking we'll be there a lot this summer. :)


Marie said...

Oh, looks like you got your adventure, or at least a "mini" one!! What did you do with Lillie while you ate?

Ben and Meg said...

Lillie waited in the car... it wasn't hot (plus we cracked the windows) and we gave her a new ball, so she was occupied. AND, since we knew she was waiting, Ben had to hurry through the buffet process! :)

The Heiner Family! said...

Looks Fun! :)

Amber said...

That crab is amazing! I want it for my very own...